Lisa Marie Kruchak

Lisa Marie Kruchak is a Canadian photographer, whose passion for photography blossomed from a young age. Lisa Marie found Joy in documenting life and the emotions that unfold within it. Starting with a simple point-and-shoot camera in high school, her curiosity and passion for photography grew, leading her to graduate from the George Brown College Digital Photography Program in 2010. Over the years, she gained diverse experiences, from event and concert photography to working as a second shooter at weddings. These experiences have shaped her skills and nurtured her artistic voice.

Through years of experimentation in different fields and genres of photography, Lisa Marie found herself drawn to the art of studio photography after taking workshops with the West Toronto Photography group. It was here that her passion for telling a story through the medium of light and photography truly emerged.

She has been published in several magazines including Artells, Marika, Vigour, Makeda and Spellbound. She has exhibited work at the Contact photography festival.